European Integration

The Action Plan Republic of Moldova - European Union

The Action Plan Republic of Moldova – European Union represents a document which includes strategic objectives and concrete activities for the realization of these objectives, which was elaborated in the framework of the European Union Neighbourhood Policy. This is a bilateral document which involves common responsibilities in line with the approximation of the Republicof Moldovato the European standards. The Action Plan was adopted on 22 February 2005.

The Action Planaims to strengthen democracy and the rule of law, judicial reform and the fight against corruption, human rights and fundamental rights, rights of the minorities and children, gender equality, support the civil society development.

The national Anticorruption Centre is involved within the realization of the Objectives 3 and 54 of the National Program of implementing the Action Plan RM – EU:

·   Ensuring efficient fight against corruption (Objective 3); 

·   Strengthening efforts andcooperation in the fight against money laundering(Objective 54);

One of the most important priorities of the process of implementing the Action Plan is the implementation of the stipulations of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the RM and the EU. The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement represents the legal basis of the collaboration relations between the RM and the EU in the domain of politics, trade and economy, judicial and cultural - scientific. The Agreement was signed on 28th of November 1994 and entered into force on 1st of July 1998 for a period of 10 years.


The Action Plan Republic of Moldova – European Union on visa regime liberalization

The visa regime liberalization dialogue between the European Union and the Republicof Moldovawas launched on 15th of June 2010. The Action Plan RM – EU on visa regime liberalization was presented to the RM by the European Commission on 24th of January 2011. The Action Plan includes 4 specialized blocks of activities, which are focused on implementing of the legislative measure – Phase I, and the institutional measures – Phase II. In order to realize the conditionalities of the of the Action Plan, there was elaborated the National Program on implementing the Action Plan RM-EU on visa liberalization, which was adopted with the Governmental Decision no. 122 from 4th of March 2011.

On 23rd of May 2011, the RM had presented to the European Commission, the First Progress Report on implementing the Action Plan RM-EU on visa liberalization, which comprised the measures realized from the moment of the official submission of the Action Plan on 24th of January 2011.

In the First Progress Report of the EU on evaluating the implementation of the Action Plan on visa liberalization was presented to the RM on 21st of September 2011, and there was appreciated the positive progress registered by RM in implementing the Phase I (modifying and adjusting the legal framework) of the Action Plan.

On 14th of November 2011, RM has presented the Second Progress report on the implementation of the Action Plan RM – EU on visa liberalization.

Taking into account the decision of the Council of the European Union from 19th of November 2012, to launch the assessment procedure of the implementation by the RM of the Phase II (institutional measures), on 13th of December 2012, our country had presented to the European Commission, the First report on the implementation of the Phase II. In this context, in the period February – March 2013, the RM hosted the European Union Evaluation Mission on Phase II.

In the period 11 – 15 of March 2013, the National Anticorruption Centre hosted the EU Evaluation Mission on the fulfillment of the conditionalities of the Action Plan, Phase II on the Component III. Preventing and combating corruption.

Following the Evaluation Mission, the experts will prepare a Progress Report on the evolutions registered by the RM in order to implement the measures of the Action Plan, Phase II. The results appreciated by the European Commission will directly influence the dimension of the collaboration relations between the RM and the EU, which are going to be appreciated during the Summitof the Eastern Partnership, planned to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, in November 2013.

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