
Individual Partnership Action Plan Republic of Moldova-NATO

On 19 May 2006 the North Atlantic Council of NATO adopted the Individual Partnership Action Plan Moldova-NATO, which consists of four main chapters:

1) Political and security issues;

2) Military and defense issues;

3) Public information, science and emergency planning;

4) Administrative matters, protection of information and resources, comprised in two different parts: main policy and reform objectives of Moldova (I) and areas of reform that are the subject of consultations with NATO (II).

Under this Plan, the main strategic objectives of the Republic of Moldova are: European Union integration, enhancing the dialogue and strengthening the relations with the Euro-Atlantic structures. Given its neutrality status, Moldova hopes that the Plan will accelerate the reforms in national defense and security sectors. In this regard, Moldova will create the necessary legal and political basis for the implementation of IPAP, as well as relevant institutional mechanisms.

The plan stipulates that Moldova will strengthen its efforts to combat corruption, including through international cooperation within GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) and the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe.

In August 2010, the Government from Chisinau has approved the updated Individual Partnership Action Plan Moldova - NATO. The plan was updated according to the current needs and priorities of the country, following the completion of the first cycle of implementation of IPAP by Moldova. This document provides a broad agenda of measures related to strengthening the democratic control of the armed forces, scientific cooperation and civil protection in exceptional situations. The new provisions state and develop the previously planned actions, the main difference being the inclusion of a new objective on defense and security sector reform in order to increase the transparency and efficiency of it.

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