Collaboration agreement signed between the National Anticorruption Centre of Moldova and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine
04.06.2018 2039 Views  

A cooperation agreement on preventing and combating corruption has been signed by director of National Anticorruption Centre (NAC), Bogdan Zumbreanu, and his Ukrainian counterpart, Artem Sitnik, head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NAB) in Ukraine.

The intention to strengthen the legal framework for bilateral cooperation between the two sides came from NAB of Ukraine, which demonstrates the interest in the experience and good practices of NAC in this regard.

The necessity of signing the document is determined by the specificity of the globalization era, when the manifestations of corruption are of a cross-border nature, and the establishment of more in-depth cooperation with similar institutions from abroad can contribute to a better prevention and counteraction of the corruption phenomenon and other crimes related.

According to the interdepartmental treaty, the two parties undertake to cooperate more closely and to exchange information and experience in the field of preventing and combating corruption, investigating and disclosing criminal acts related to corruption.

In order to achieve the objectives set, several activities were stipulated in the agreement: the exchange of data and information; if necessary, conducting special investigative activities or undertaking other necessary measures; organizing training sessions, practical exercises or seminars, workshops; exchange of methodological and legal materials; implementation of joint projects, with the assistance of available funds; the implementation of measures to prevent corruption; exchange of experience in areas of common interest.

The agreement was concluded for an indefinite period of time, the text being drafted in Romanian, Ukrainian and English, each text being equally authentic.



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