The first attorney detained this year. He would have asked 30,000 euros bribe from a detainee to release him from detention ahead of schedule
14.02.2019 139 Views  

An attorney from the capital was detained by the NAC officers and the anticorruption prosecutors, suspected of influence peddling. He would have asked 28,000 euros from a convict to release him from detention ahead of schedule. According to the denouncer, the attorney claimed to have an influence on the administration of the penitentiaries, but also on some magistrates, and that he could influence them to make a favorable decision in the regard of the detainee (convicted of kidnapping and murder).

According to the criminal investigation materials, the attorney acted in complicity with his father who had previously occupied a senior management post within the national penitentiary administration, was a prosecutor and attorney. They together claimed money in a several tranches from the detainee, in the amount of 28,000 euros.

These days, the attorney has also asked for 1,500 euros for the final settlement of the problem - a sum sent under the control of the NAC.

Following the criminal proceedings, the lawyer was detained for 72 hours in the moment when he was receiving 1,500 euros from an intermediary. Currently, he is investigated for influence peddling and if found guilty he is liable up to 7 years of detention.

We would like to mention that, any person shall be presumed innocent until the final and irrevocable judgement is delivered.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office leads the prosecution.





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