A man from the capital, caught in flagrant by the NAC and the anticorruption prosecutors. He would have asked for 1900 euros for a driving license
18.02.2019 232 Views  

A man from Chisinau was detained, shortly after, by the NAC officers and anticorruption prosecutors, suspected of influence peddling. He would have asked from a woman 1,900 euros to help her obtain a driving license, category B.

According to the criminal investigation materials, the suspect had received the money in a few tranches after claiming that he would have an influence on the members of the Examination Board of the Transport Registry and Driver`s Qualification Section of Chisinau, within Public Services Agency. He had assured the denouncer that he could convince the Examination Board to help her with the passing of the theoretical and practical exams.

On this case, a criminal case has been opened under Art. 326 Criminal Code - influence peddling. Today, the person was caught in flagrant when receiving the last tranche of the claimed amount of 600 euros. If found guilty, the man risks up to seven years of detention.

We would like to mention that, until the final and irrevocable judgement is delivered, any person shall be presumed innocent.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is carrying out the prosecution. 



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