National Agency for Food Safety veterinarian, Cahul and Vulcanesti Directorates, but also the owner of a slaughterhouse in Cahul, detained for frauds with sanitary certificates
05.06.2019 170 Views  

The veteranian of the Cahul and Vulcanesti territorial directorate of the National Agency for Food Safety and the owner of a slaughterhouse in Cahul were detained by the officers of the General Territorial Directorate „South" of the NAC and the anticorruption prosecutors.

They are suspected of having created a scheme of money from the economic agents through the mentioned area, specializing in the trade of animal products, in order to issue veterinary certificates.

According to the case materials, the veterinarian issued the veterinary certificates for the marketing of beef and swine meat only after receiving, in addition to the official tax of 54 lei, an addition of 800 lei per act. The money came to him through a slaughterhouse chief, who had the role of intermediary in the certificate business.

Officials of the GTD South of the NAC have been notified by several businesses who have complained that they are being asked for money for veterinary certificates. In this case, NAC has self-investigated and started investigations, monitoring the illicit activity of suspected, several weeks.

Following the accumulation of evidence materials, the veterinarian and the owner of the slaughterhouse were detained, a criminal case for passive corruption being opened on their behalf. Currently, they are in the NAC custody for 72 hours. NAC and the prosecutors continue to investigate in this case.

We would like to remind that any person is presumed to be innocent until a final and irrevocable decision of the court is delivered.

The Southern Office of the Anticorruption Prosecutor`s Office leads the prosecution.



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