Steering Committee of the Twinning Project at the seventh implementation phase. From recommandations - to visible results
18.07.2019 971 Views  

The 7th meeting of the Steering Committee of the Twinning Project "Support to the strengthening of the operational capacities of the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Republic of Moldova in the field of prevention and investigation of criminal acts of corruption" was held yesterday, on July 17,  at the headquarters of the National Anticorruption Center.

At the event, the project leaders presented the quarterly activity report and outlined the objectives of the beneficiary institutions, as well as the plans for the next period.

The project`s experts expressed appreciation for the professional way of implementing the submitted recommendations, reiterating that such successes were recorded only due to the active participation of the beneficiary institutions.

As National Project Leader, interim Director of the NAC, Ms. Lidia Chireoglo thanked the Project for its support, saying the results were visible and very useful to the beneficiary institutions.

All participants of the Committee meeting have positively assessed the results of the Project during the reporting period and agreed to the NAC initiative to strengthen efforts with all beneficiary institutions to ensure the successful completion of ongoing work to ensure the implementation of the recommendations of EU experts.

In particular, it was discussed the subject of finalizing the work on software for information processing and record keeping - a very necessary tool for employees who perform analytical work within the Center.

According to Ms. Lidia Chireoglo, during the next reporting period, the National Anticorruption Center, together with the Twining Project experts, will also organize other relevant events, such as an International Workshop on Corruption Risk Assessment and Professional Integrity Testing, to be held in June 2019.

The next meeting of the Twinning Coordination Committee is scheduled for September 2019.

We would like to remind that the purpose of the Twinning Project is to strengthen the institutional capacities of Moldovan law enforcement agencies in order to improve the efficiency in the fight against corruption. The main beneficiaries of the assistance are the National Anticorruption Center, the Prosecutor`s Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the General Police Inspectorate and the Customs Service.

The Twinning project is implemented by a consortium consisting of specialized institutions from three member states of the European Union: the Republic of Lithuania (partner), Romania (junior partner), Finland (junior partner).




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