Three police officers were detained by the NAC officers and the anticorruption prosecutors for passive corruption. They are two patrol officers and an officer of the Technical Surveillance and Road Accident Service of Orhei IP.
According to the denouncer, the representatives of law have claimed and received in two tranches, the sum of 5 000 lei for not documenting the drunk-driving.
A criminal prosecution was initiated on behalf of the suspects on the basis of art. 324 - passive corruption.
Currently, they are detained for 72 hours in the NAC Detention Center, if they are found guilty, they risk up to 10 years of detention, a fine and deprivation of the right to hold certain public functions.
Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office conducts criminal prosecution.
We specify that every person is presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.