Ten forensic doctors from Chisinau, suspected in corruption acts, detained by the anticorruption prosecutors and NAC
18.11.2019 943 Views  

Ten employees of the Public Health Medical Center "Forensic Medicine Center" were detained by the anticorruption prosecutors and NAC officers. They are suspected that, taking advantage of the service situation, they would have organized a fraud scheme through which they would have obtained financial means illegally that represented the payments for judicial expertise services.

According to the case materials, the money would have been claimed for drawing distorted conclusions in the expertise reports, determining the cause of death, the payments ranged between 900 and 10 000 lei and were not accounted for in the institution's cash register. Therefore, the indicated sums of money have been divided among those who provided the above-mentioned services, thus, causing financial damages to the medical institution.

In the framework of special investigative measures, it was identified that only during July - September, 2019, the amount collected by the forensic doctors reached 327 000 lei. Two criminal cases were initiated on the stated facts - for passive corruption and fraud, and if the are found guilty risk up to 15 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to 500 000 lei and deprivation of the right to hold the position up to 15 years.

Today, the anticorruption prosecutors and NAC officers have carried out searches at the Forensic Medicine Center in Chisinau, where they have pick up the relevant documents for criminal prosecution. The actions took place at employees' homes, but also in cars.

The Office of Anticorruption Prosecutor starts the prosecution in this case, the operational support being provided by the National Anticorruption Center.

We remind that every person is presumed to be innocent until a final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.  




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