Strengthening inter-institutional cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and the National Anticorruption Center in the field of anticorruption and integrity
13.02.2020 96 Views  

The Minister of Justice, Fadei Ngacevschi has undertaken a work visit to the National Anticorruption Center on February 13, 2020.

In the framework of the meeting, the Director of the National Anticorruption Center, Ruslan Flocea made an ample presentation of the institution activities, in the matter of preventing and combatting corruption, risk assessment, carrying out the anticorruption expertise, etc.

In this regard, the heads of the NAC's Directorates communicated about the issues and obstacles that they face while exercising their functional attributions, about the necessity to adjust the normative framework on some aspects.

The Minister of Justice mentioned about the importance of strengthening the inter-institutional cooperation, to ensure an effective mechanism for preventing and combatting corruption, that is one of the strategic objectives of the reform of justice. Also, Fadei Nagacevschi declared that regaining confidence of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova will be possible only if some actions of preventing and counteracting the corruption phenomenon are undertaken, including the actions that involve the effective assessment of prosecutors and judges' integrity.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their openness to collaborate in the future to develop and strengthen the field of justice.




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