Two police officers from the North, detained with a bribe of 40 000 lei
25.04.2020 4151 Views  

The NAC officers and anticorruption prosecutors detained two officers flagrante delicto, as the result of receiving the amount of 40 000 lei, the head of the North Regional Directorate for Combating Illegal Stay of Aliens of the MIA Bureau for Migration and Asylum and an inspector of the same Directorate. They are suspected of claiming 2000 euros from a foreign citizen for not documenting breaking the legislation on the Aliens Act.

Both are investigated for passive corruption and detained for 72 hours, the prosecutors are to bring forward the accusations and to request today the arrest warrant.

Under the legal measures, the police officers risk up to 10 years of imprisonment with a fine and with the deprivation of the right to hold certain public positions.

We shall come with the details, as the actions of criminal prosecution in this case are under development.




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