NAC-PSA joint operation. A young man, detained for influence peddling with driving licences
04.06.2020 3060 Views  

A young man from the capital was detained by the NAC officers and anticorruption prosecutors, together with the representatives of the Public Services Agency, in a case of influence peddling. A young man allegedly promised a woman that he could help in taking exams to get the driving licence, for his services he would have claimed 20 000 leis.

Following the woman complaint, the NAC has initiated a criminal prosecution on influence peddling. According to the statement of the whistleblower, the young man would have claimed he had influence on the members of the examination commission and could determine them give her “admitted” for the practical test.

As the result of collaboration between the NAC and PSA, the suspect was documented and detained for 72 hours in the Detention Center. If he is found guilty, he risks up to 6 years of imprisonment or a criminal fine.

We remind, that every person is presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Office of Anticorruption Prosecutor conducts the criminal prosecution.

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