Two young men, detained by the NAC for influence peddling. For a bribe of 15 000 lei, they can be imprisoned for 6 years
21.07.2020 886 Views  

Two young men were detained flagrante delicto by the NAC officers and anticorruption prosecutors in a case of influence peddling. They allegedly demanded 15 000 lei from a man, who appears in a criminal case initiated by the MIA, to help him escape liability.

According to the materials of the case, the suspects would have demanded and received 15 000 lei to influence the persons with the positions of responsibility in the MIA, to issue favorable decision within a criminal case in which the whistleblower in involved. The two were detained after receiving the last installment of money they extorted in the amount of 3 000 lei.

A criminal prosecution for influence peddling was initiated in this case. The suspects were detained for 72 hours and were placed in the detention center of the NAC. If found guilty, they risk a fine from 1000 to 3000 conventional units or imprisonment from 2 to 6 years.

We remind that every person is presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office is carrying out the criminal investigation.

The action has been assisted by the Security and Investigation Directorate within the General Inspectorate of Carabinieri.


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