A man from Cahul allegedly demanded 500 euros for a driving license
22.07.2020 2786 Views  

A man from Cahul was detained this morning, in flagrante delicto, by the officers of the General Territorial Directorate South of the NAC and anticorruption prosecutors in a case of influence peddling. He would have demanded from another man 500 euros to help him receive the driving license, category B.

According to the materials of the case, the suspect allegedly claimed to have acquaintances within the Cahul Agency of Public Services and that he could determine them favor the candidate at the theoretical and practical car qualification exams in category B. For his services, he would have claimed and received 500 euros.  

The detention took place this morning, at the time of money transfer – the operation was carried out under the control of the NAC. The suspect was detained for 72 hours and placed in the NAC detention center.

In accordance with the legislation, he risks up to 6 years of imprisonment or a criminal fine from 1000 to 3000 conventional units.

We remind, that every person is presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, office South, is conducting the criminal investigation.




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