Influence peddling. Episode 9 of the Integrity Dictionary
08.09.2020 2200 Views  

We all have heard from mass media sources or read on social networks about influence peddling. For example, a lawyer was detained by the officers of the National Anticorruption Center for influence peddling. The lawyer tried to influence a judge to obtain a more favourable decision in the interest of the client, in exchange for an amount of 30 000 lei.

What does influence peddling mean and what facts are included in this notion?

Find out details in a new episode of the Integrity Dictionary, made with the involvement of anticorruption volunteers.

The Dictionary, aimed for everyone, explains the main forms of corruption, their manifestations, as well as who is responsible of preventing and combating it.

The initiative is the part of the project “Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by the UNDP in partnership with the NAC, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of the External Affairs.


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