Denounced two days ago, and detained today. A police officer from Ciocana, placed in the NAC detention center
11.09.2020 806 Views  

A sector officer of the Ciocana Police Inspectorate was recently detained by the NAC and anticorruption prosecutors. He is suspected of passive corruption and was detained flagrante delicto, after receiving a 4000 lei bribe from a young man.

According to the denunciation submitted to the NAC, the police officer allegedly claimed 4000 lei from the whistleblower in order not to draw a report on some irregularities, discovered by him. This is about the use of undeclared work by the whistleblower, in order to exempt him from paying the fine, they would have an agreement of 4000 lei.

A criminal investigation was initiated in this case for passive corruption, and the detention took place in the office of the lawman. He voluntarily handed over the money he had received. Currently, the police officer is at the NAC and will be placed in the detention center for 72 hours.

If found guilty, the officer risks up to 10 years of imprisonment, a criminal fine and deprivation of the right to hold public positions for a certain period of time.

We remind, that every person id presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Anticorruption Prosecution Office is carrying out the criminal investigation.

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