This week, the NAC resumed anticorruption trainings for Public Authorities Training Centers
25.09.2020 877 Views  

The coaches of the NAC Anticorruption Education Directorate have organized several trainings this week for public officials with special status of the National Administration of Penitentiaries, and for listeners of the Public Administration Academy. The course “Ethics and Integrity of the Civil Servant” was intended for a group of beginners in public position and civil service executive officers from central public authorities.

Among the addressed subjects, within the training modules are:

§  Premises, forms and corruption consequences,

§  Skills in preventing and combatting corruption

§  The concept and categories of integrity

§  Legal liability for lack of integrity

§  Measures to ensure institutional integrity: ways of denouncing corruption acts and undue influence, declaring conflicts of interest and gifts, whistleblowing, ways of assessing professional and institutional integrity, tools for identifying institutional risks of corruption etc.

The information sessions will contribute to raise the degree of awareness in the process of working and to implement the mentioned mechanisms, as well as improving theoretical knowledge and practical abilities in usage and complying with normative acts with the reference to institutional and professional integrity.

Taking into account the pandemic situation in the country, the activities were carried out via video-conference platform, and the technical assurance for conducting training sessions, in on-line format, was supported by the project “Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in Moldova”, implemented by the UNDP Moldova with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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