Information campaign was held in the north of the country
29.09.2020 2445 Views  

Today, September 28, the Mobile Training Center arrived to „CET-Nord” SA in Bălți municipality. The event took place within the consumers information campaign by promoting integrity and anticorruption standards in the sectors regulated by the ANRE.

Consumers in the north of the country, addressed the specialists during the day different questions, the most frequent referred to the procedure of disconnection from the central heating system and billing of the provided service.

Representatives of the National Agency for Energy Regulation and of the National Anticorruption Center have informed the citizens about their rights as consumers and ways of reporting acts of corruption.

In the second part of the day, the employees of „CET-Nord” SA learned about the integrity standards in the private sector, within a training seminar in the field of anticorruption. The aim of the seminar was to promote institutional integrity, combat acts of corruption and facts of corrupt behavior, by manifesting zero tolerance towards corruption.

Due to the previous collaboration with the NAC, „CET-Nord” SA has advanced regarding the development and approval of the new Code of Professional Conduit of the employees, the procedure of reporting illegalities and undue influence, of the Declaration regarding the anti-bribery policy and other internal procedures.

We would like to inform that the information campaign will end on Wednesday, September 30, at SA „Termoelectrica”, Chişinău mun., 6 Tudor Vladimirescu Street.



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