An ambulance driver from Balti and his brother are placed in the NAC detention center. Both are investigated for influence peddling
03.11.2020 149 Views  


An ambulance driver from a private medical center in Balti and his brother have drawn the attention of the NAC, after being denounced by a young man. According to him, the two would have promised to help obtain the driving licence of categories D and E, claiming that they had influence on some members of the examination commission.

According to the whistleblower, the suspects would have demanded 1000 euros, saying that they would bribe employees of the Balti Registration of Transport Means and Driver’s Qualification, who, in their turn, had to assess his driving within the driving licence examination. Thus, the suspects would have claimed and received the above-mentioned amount of money from the whistleblower – the fact criminally investigated by the NAC officers and anticorruption prosecutors.

Today, in Balti, there have been carried out home searches of the suspects, and subsequently, they have been detained for 72 hours. There have been initiated criminal investigation for influence peddling, both risk imprisonment from 2 to 6 years or a criminal fine.

We remind that every person is presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office North is conducting the criminal investigation





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