National Anticorruption Center - first prize for the implementation of volunteering activity
05.12.2020 2401 Views  


The National Anticorruption Center has been named the most active accredited host institution that implements volunteer activities. The award was presented at the 17th edition of the Volunteer Festival, organized by the Foundation for Non-Formal Education.

The group of anticorruption volunteers was established by the National Anticorruption Center in 2016, with the support of UNDP Moldova, and now it has 50 members.

Among the most important events at which the volunteers teamed up with the NAC and UNDP are: the campaign "An anticorruption day in your city", the Pro-Integrity quiz, the campaign "A lesson on integrity from Kapushon" and other awareness raising activities. They are also the actors in the promotion spot of the Anticorruption Ideas Club, of the Anticorruption Education Project in the online environment "Integrity Dictionary", besides, the anticorruption volunteers are among the organizers of information sessions within the Online Summer School 2020 "YOUTH AGAINST CORRUPTION".


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