Contest: NAC and UNDP will award private companies implementing integrity standards in business
05.02.2021 1036 Views  


Private companies are invited to apply for Integrity in Business Award to be awarded by the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) within the “Trademark of the Year” contest, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The initiative aims to encourage the implementation of integrity standards in private companies, as well as promotion of best practices in this area. Big, medium and small businesses may participate in the contest, except for those that have the status of public entity according to the Integrity Law, and which submitted at least one request for registration of a trademark or have already a registered trademark.

The candidates need to submit to the contest’s committee:

  • Application form (;
  • Company’s registration certificate (copy);
  • Self-assessment report on anticorruption initiatives (www.chamber) with documented evidence – endorsed and implemented policy documents (in the area of ethics, compliance, anticorruption, anti-bribery, etc.); Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct; procedures for reporting irregularities at work and protection of whistleblowers;  procedures for solving conflicts of interest; procedures for declaration and evaluation of gifts; procedures for internal control, etc.  

The candidates for the nomination for implementing integrity standards in business are exempted from paying the participation fee, which will be covered by UNDP Moldova through “Curbing corruption and building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova” project.

Applications may be submitted as from 4 February 2021 to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The deadline for submitting the expression of interest is 31 March 2021. Details are available on the official webpage of the institution:

During the first edition of the contest, organized in 2020, six private companies from the Republic of Moldova were awarded for implementing integrity standards in business. Other six companies received recognition diplomas.

The “Trademark of the Year” Contest is conducted since 2003 and is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI) in partnership with the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI). Besides the integrity award, the “Trademark of the Year” contest comprises 11 nominalizations, among which “Reputation and Confidence”, “Woman in Business”, “Leader of the Year”, “Export”, “Debut of the Year” etc.

“Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova” project, supporting the Business Integrity Award, is implemented by UNDP Moldova with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and aims to create a sustainable integrity and anticorruption system within public and private sector entities and associative sector. The project is implemented during 2019-2021.


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