A fiscal inspector, detained for corruption acts. He allegedly asked 50 000 lei from an entrepreneur from Călăraşi
19.04.2021 1008 Views  

A senior inspector of the General Directorate of Fiscal Administration Center, under the State Fiscal Service was detained, a short time ago, by the NAC officers and anticorruption prosecutors. The official is suspected of demanding a bribe of 50 000 lei from an economic agent, in order not to be sanctioned after a fiscal control.

According to the materials of the criminal case, it was identified that on March 30 of the current year, the inspector would have asked from a manager of a LLC from Călăraşi money that does not belong to him in the amount of 50 000 lei, not to indicate in the final control act some infringements, detected within a “planned annual risk control”. During the criminal investigation actions, at the headquarters of the General Directorate of Fiscal Administration Center, the special measure of investigations was carried out - the transmission of money in the amount of 20,000 lei, under the control of the NAC, which is a part of the 50,000 lei, previously claimed.

Today, for the administration of all the evidence, searches were carried out in the car, the office and at the suspect's home. Following the criminal investigation actions, the official was detained for 72 hours and is to be criminally investigated for passive corruption. If found guilty, he faces up to 10 years in prison, a criminal fine and deprivation of the right to hold public office for a certain period.

We remind that every person is presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Anticorruption Prosecution Office is conducting the criminal investigation.


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