Synthesis of the NAC: assets worth about 6.3 million lei, seized by the NAC in a week
28.06.2021 1083 Views  

·        Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) seized assets worth about 6,3 million lei, based on prosecutors’ delegations last week. These include agricultural lands and building plots, means of transport, rooms and residential and non-residential areas. The frozen means of transport are a Toyota Camry (year of manufacture 2018 - 514 387 lei), a Jeep Grand Cherokee (2002 - 161 295 lei) and a Mercedes E220 (2011 - 297 884 lei).

·        The Analytical Directorate made 6 operational analysis on criminal cases, other 38 being under elaboration.  

·         The Legislation Directorate conducted anti-corruption expertise on 6 draft laws and issued 4 opinions.

·        1284 materials were registered by the Chancellery of the Center.

·       41 calls were received at the National Anticorruption Line.

·       11 training activities and information campaigns were carried out by the Anticorruption Education Directorate of the NAC.

·       79 integrity records were issued.


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