Synthesis of the NAC: assets worth around 9 million lei, frozen by the NAC in a week
05.07.2021 6201 Views  

·       The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) seized assets worth 9 million lei last week, based on prosecutors’ delegations. These include agricultural lands and building plots, means of transport, rooms and residential and non-residential areas. Three means of transport were seized: a Volkswagen, a Suzuki and a Honda, as well 4 tractors – all estimated at around 1 million lei.

·       The Analytical Directorate made 5 operational analysis on criminal cases, other 34 being under development.

·       The Legislation Directorate conducted anticorruption expertise on 12 draft acts and issued 4 opinions.

·       1074 materials were registered by the Chancellery of the Center.

·       49 telephone calls were received at the National Anticorruption Line.

·       80 integrity records were issued.

·       3 persons were arrested in the NAC cases and placed in the Penitentiary 13.


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