“Graduates” again. Several officers of the CARA received graduation diplomas of the professional training program at the TUM
07.07.2021 1127 Views  

“Graduates” again. Several officers of the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) under the NAC received today graduation diplomas of the professional training program, organized by the Technical University of Moldova. The program comprised 150 hours of trainings and aimed at different topics, as: the assessment theory, estimating depreciation of real estate value, measurement approaches. The course took place under the auspices of the Department IDEI of the Faculty of Constructions, Geodesy and Cadastre of the TUM.

During the graduation ceremony, the rector of the TUM, Viorel Bostan mentioned that today’s event is organized due to good relations that the NAC has created with the Technical University. “This event is the result of the Collaboration Agreement that we signed with the NAC at the end of last year. We have committed to maintaining a partnership that would benefit both parties and we are confident that the program, designed for the officers of the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency will be useful for one of the basic activities of the CARA, that of estimating the value of assets. The efficiency of every institution depends 99 percent on the human potential, that is why every course of professional training is crucial for increasing the staff capacity, to prepare it effectively for new challenges”, said the rector of the TUM.

Present at the event, the director of the National Anticorruption Center, general Ruslan Flocea, mentioned that in addition to the main tasks of the NAC to prevent and combat corruption, the priority objective of the institution is the continuous training of the staff. “The corruption phenomenon is advancing daily, changing with new technologies. We need qualified trainings for our officers, especially for the Criminal Assets recovery Agency, whose activity is dependent on information technologies. We are grateful for the opportunity to attend this course organized by the TUM, and we are willing to organize internships for the best students at the NAC”, pointed out Flocea.

Half a year ago, the National Anticorruption Center and the Technical University of Moldova signed a partnership that is aimed to exchange experience and knowledge in the fields of activity of both institutions. Pursuant to the Agreement, the NAC and TUM have convened to exchange information materials, though mutual exchange, carry out joint events and to implement programs of sustainable development of the staff. Also, the NAC shall provide internships for the university students, with excellent results in studies and impeccable behavior.




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