Synthesis of the NAC: assets worth over 55 million lei, seized by the CARA in a week
19.07.2021 2894 Views  

·        Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) seized assets worth over 55 million lei, based on prosecutors’ delegations last week. These include 4 share capitals, 18 non-residential construction, worth over 25 million lei, 3 residential constructions, worth over 20 million lei.

·        The Analytical Directorate made 7 operational analysis on criminal cases, other 29 being under elaboration. 

·         The Legislation Directorate conducted anti-corruption expertise on 4 draft normative acts and issued 6 opinions.

·        1154 materials were registered by the Chancellery of the Center.

·       53 calls were received at the National Anticorruption Line.

·       3 training activities and information campaigns were carried out by the Anticorruption Education Directorate of the NAC.

·       103 integrity records were issued.

·       2 persons, detained in the NAC cases.

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