The chief architect of the Criuleni District Council and the manager of an engineering company detained in several corruption cases
28.07.2021 155 Views  

Passive and active corruption, influence peddling and abuse of power are the crimes in which the chief architect of the Criuleni District Council and the manager of an engineering company are suspected. They are investigated in several criminal cases and their illegal actions would have caused damages worth hundreds of thousands of lei to the local budget. The files were opened in late 2020, and afterwards they were connected into a single procedure. The investigations of the NAC and prosecutors consisted in the administration of evidence, including the interception of the suspects and documenting their audio and video actions.

Within investigations, it was found out that the employees of the CriPSer Bureau of Design, Prospecting and Services, a subdivision subordinated to the Criuleni District Council, had set up a commercial company with the same duties and through this company, they were providing services to natural and legal persons, to the detriment of the state enterprise. Thus, by preliminary agreement with the Council's chief architect, people were directed to the private company and in exchange for sums of money, given as bribes, they were getting acts and notes for constructions without impediments. A financial control of the two entities found that the private company received, in a few years, almost triple amounts compared to the subdivision subordinated to the Council, thus damaging the local budget by hundreds of thousands of lei.

During investigations, more cases of corruption and abuse were documented, in which the manager of the joint venture CriPSer Bureau of Design, Prospecting and Services and the chief architect would have been involved. Today, the NAC offices and prosecutors made eight searches at the homes and offices of the manager of the CriPSer Bureau and chief architect of the Criuleni district. As a result of them, the two suspects were detained and escorted to the NAC for hearings.

If found guilty, the two suspects risk to be sentenced to prison, fined or deprived of the right to hold public offices.

The investigation in this case continues. The anticorruption prosecutors are conducting the criminal investigation.


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