ANNOUNCEMENT! Two days left! The CARA wants to complete its team with a senior investigation officer for exceptional cases
06.04.2021 731 Views  

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency under the NAC (CARA) announces that there are 2 days left to apply for the position of the senior investigation officer for exceptional cases of the Special investigation Directorate. The deadline for the submission of the documents is April 8, 2021.

Conditions for participation in the competition:

holds the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova; knows Romanian, as well as other official languages of inter-ethnic communication, spoken on the respective territory within limits provided by law; has full exercise capacity; is fit, from health point of view, to exercise public functions, in accordance with the medical certificate issued by the authorized medical institution; has necessary studies provided for the respective public function; in the last 5 years was not suspended from public functions pursuant art.64 alin.(1) lit.a) or b) or individual employment agreement was not terminated for disciplinary measures; does not have criminal history; is not prohibited from holding public office or office of public dignity, that derives from a confirmation act of the National Integrity Authority.

In accordance with the competition regulations, the basic responsibilities of the functions are the following:

•         carrying out special investigative measures to recover criminal assets in resonant criminal cases;

•         carrying out special investigative measures to establish a financial profile in accordance with the received delegations;

•         ensuring the protection and storage of information that constitute a state, banking and commercial secret, protection of the personal data or data of criminal prosecution;

         providing practical and methodical support in carrying out special investigative measures to the staff of the unit

         performing shift work (24/24) within the Center, with the operative group in accordance with the approved schedule, as well as taking part in the development of special actions in the headquarters of the institution or their adjacent buildings (anti-terror actions, exceptional situations, etc.)

•         assessing financial profile of suspect, accused, defendant, condemned, as well as evaluation, administration and estimation of criminal assets in cases of increased social resonance.

For more details, see

Contact information: 022-257-329; 022-257-212; 022-257-297 – Human Resources Unit.

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