Other assets, worth 3 000 000 lei, seized by the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency in a money laundering case
22.02.2021 627 Views  

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) under the NAC has announced the freezing assets worth over 3 million lei, during the previous week. These are assets of illicit origin that were seized within a criminal case, initiated for money laundering.

Thus, within the parallel financial investigations, the CARA froze 6 residential buildings, worth 2 817 634 lei, a non-residential building, worth 121 722 lei and a share capital worth 146 859 lei. The total amount of the seized assets is 3 086 216 lei.

Also, during the last week, the CARA issued advisory opinions on estimating the value of 6 immovable properties (3 construction lands, 1 agricultural land, 1 commercial construction and 1 unfinished construction), but also 6 movable properties (4 cars, a truck and a motorcycle). During one week, there were sent to the CARA, 8 delegations on 5 criminal cases, regarding 20 subjects, there was elaborated an analytical note on 32 persons.

We remind, that since the beginning of this year, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency has seized assets, illegally obtained, worth over 48 million lei, but in 2020, their number reached 1,5 billion lei.

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency is an autonomous subdivision under the NAC, specialized in conducting parallel financial investigations, freezing criminal assets, assessing, managing and estimating the value of seized criminal assets.

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