Synthesis of the week: More than 5 million leis, seized by the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA)
16.03.2020 1433 Views  

* In the context of the epidemiologic situation in the country and to prevent the risks of infection with the COVID-19 virus, the National Anticorruption Center comes with the following specifications:

The persons who come to the NAC or the Office of Anticorruption Prosecutor will be checked at the entrance by applying the thermometry

The staff from the posts and the Detention Center of the NAC was equipped with gloves, masks and disinfectants, installed at the headquarters entrance.

All trainings on education and corruption prevention activities, organized by the NAC officers in the territory were cancelled.

The employees who have small children will work remotely.

All persons, who were under arrest, were transferred, in accordance with judge's conclusion, to the penitentiary no. 13. Before being transferred, they were examined by the doctor.

The transmission of the parcels to the persons from the Detention Center was forbidden.


Synthesis of the week: More than 5 million leis, seized by the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA)

1.      Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) seized assets worth more than 5 million leis last week.

2.      Analytical Department carried out 6 operational analyses on criminal cases and one strategic analysis, other 44 are under development.

3.      Legislation Department conducted anticorruption expertise on 11 drafts laws.

4.      1140 materials were recorded within the NAC Chancellery, 38 are petitions.

5.      45 calls were received at the National Anticorruption Line, 1 of them being within the NAC competence.

6.      140 integrity records were issued. 



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