Assets worth 8 million lei were sequestered by the NAC in one week
16.12.2019 1209 Views  

1.     Criminal Assets Recovery Agency sequestered assets worth more than 8 million lei on the basis of the prosecutors' delegations, since the beginning of the year the value of the unavailable assets reaches 2.5 billiard lei.

2.     Analytical Department carried out 11 operational analyses, 6 strategic, other 60 are under development.

3.     Legislation Department conducted anticorruption expertise on the 6 draft laws and issued 9 opinions.

4.     1310 materials were registered in the Chancellery of the Center, 39 of them are petitions.

5.     47 calls were received at the national anticorruption line, 4 of them being within the competence of the NAC.

6.     9 activities were carried out by the Anticorruption Education Department of the NAC, this week 11 other trainings for civil servants will be held. Also, the campain „Dacă ai dat, dacă ai luat!" („If you gave, if you took!") continues in the education institutions, organized by the NAC together with the rapper Kapushon, anticorruption volunteers and UNDP.

7.     136 integrity records were issued.

8.     8 people were arrested in the NAC cases, 2 of them are in penitentiaries, 3 are under home arrest and 3 are in detention center.



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