Diplomas to the NAC officers. The GIZ project manager: "We had good students!"
16.12.2021 1346 Views  

The officers from different NAC subdivisions, have received these graduation diplomas of the continuing education courses, organized by the Academy of the Economic Sciences (AESM) with the financial support of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). Over 50 diplomas were given within a festive event, held at the NAC, with the participation of the representatives of the AESM, the project GIZ and the NAC management.

In his greeting speech, the deputy director of the NAC, Vadim Cojocaru mentioned that the courses organized by ASEM and GIZ, bring a significant contribution to capacity building of the NAC officers, while the opportunities offered by this program will continue to facilitate the management processes, to analyze and process large amounts of data. “ I am convinced that on-going development and digital technologies represent a strong ally in promoting integrity and transparency and the gathered information will be exclusively used for service purpose. The knowledge gained at these trainings will help us to improve investigation progress. We are grateful to our partners and we hope that this collaboration with the GIZ will be further harnessed, for the benefit of the institution and our citizens”, declared Cojocaru.

The head of the CARA, Serghei Carapunarlî added that studies in economics, law and information technologies are a strong symbiosis for every officer. “This knowledge will help us to work more effectively and to meet people’s expectations.” said the CARA head.

“It was an interactive training and we had good students”. That is the way Birger Nere, the project manager, congratulated the graduates. “We aim at supporting with some other activities not only CARA, but also the NAC”.

We specify, that for several months, the employees of the National Anticorruption Center participated in professional training courses that included the fields of information technologies, data processing, network management and advanced use of the MySOL, MSAcces and MSExcel programs. The officers from the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency, Analytical Directorate, Human Resources Unit, Operational Management Unit, as well as the IT specialists of the General Directorate on Operative Support attended the courses.

The organization of the professional training courses is a part of commitments undertaken in the framework of Financing Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the European Commission on strengthening the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms. Among the specific objectives of the Agreement, there is developing zero tolerance towards corruption among the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, consolidating the mechanisms of investigation and criminal prosecution, recovering criminal assets, declaring property and conflicts of interest.


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