Six new suspects in the case of fake anti-Covid vaccination certificates. The NAC is carrying our searches at the Stăuceni Health Center
04.02.2022 175 Views  

The NAC officers and anti-corruption prosecutors, who are investigating the issuance of fake anti-Covid vaccination certificates, are carrying out searches at the moment, at the Stăuceni Health Center. Four doctors, an intermediary and a registrar from the institution are suspected of influence peddling. They allegedly organized the issuance of dozens of anti-Covid vaccination certificates, without immunization.

During the criminal investigation, it was established that at least 20 people received immunization certificates at the hospital in Stauceni, even if at the time of the "vaccination" against Covid they were abroad. The investigation has shown that the amounts claimed and received by the employees of the medical institution allegedly varied between 1,500 and 6,000 lei, for a certificate and information about immunization in the Register.

The checks within searches concern the way the information on the vaccination reached the database. According to the investigations, the procedure was not respected, and the information on both doses of the vaccine were entered into the electronic register between 8 and 9 pm, after finishing the working program. Also, placing the information on vaccination is carried out by more users.

We remind that earlier a doctor and three intermediaries were accused of influence peddling in issuing anti-Covid vaccination certificates in the same criminal case. The case contains dozens of episodes, documented between September and December 2021, and was started following intelligence information that led to the identification of the entire corruption scheme.

At the same time, every person is presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Anticorruption Prosecution Office is conducting the criminal investigation. In this case.


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