Synthesis of the NAC: the CARA froze constructions, lands, means of transport and cash worth about 2 million lei last week
07.02.2022 972 Views  

·        The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) under the NAC froze assets worth about 2 million lei, based on the prosecutors’ delegations last week. These included four constructions, five agricultural lands, two means of transport, social capital and receivables.

·        The Analytical Directorate completed 5 operational analyses, other 61 operational and 2 analytical analyses are under development.

·        The Legislation Directorate drew up 18 antic-corruption expert reports and issued 14 opinions, other 21 normative acts are under examination.

·        1300 materials were registered in the Chancellery of the Center;

·        42 telephone calls were received at the National Anticorruption Hotline;

·        The Anticorruption Education Directorate carried out 12 trainings to inform and raise awareness on the risks and consequences of the corruption involvement;

·        72 integrity records were issued;

·        7 persons are in the NAC Detention Center. Three of them were visited by some Members of Parliament on Saturday. They requested to be informed about the detention conditions of possible complaints from the suspects.


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