The NAC synthesis: Assets worth about 2 million lei, frozen by the CARA last week
14.02.2022 1253 Views  

·        The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) under the NAC froze assets worth about 2 million lei, based on the prosecutors’ delegations last week. These include 5 dwellings and 3 means of transport.

·        The Analytical Directorate completed 13 operational analyses on 36 subjects, other 74 are under development;

·        The Legislation Directorate drew up 12 anti-corruption expert reports on normative acts and issued 12 opinions, other 22 normative acts are under development;

·        1315 materials were registered in the Chancellery of the Center;

·        61 telephone calls were received at the National Anticorruption Hotline;

·        The Anticorruption Education Directorate carried out 16 trainings to inform and raise awareness on the risks and consequences of the corruption involvement;

·        105 integrity records were issued;

·        6 persons were placed in the NAC Detention Center.

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