Record amount, seized by the CARA, this year. Assets estimated at over 115 million lei were seized
07.03.2022 1801 Views  

Over 115 million lei were seized by the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) under the NAC, last week. Several assets, including constructions, residential and non-residential areas, plots of land, but also share capital were seized based on the delegations received by the CARA for execution. The delegates are the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) and the Chisinau Prosecutor's Office. 

Also last week, secretaries of state approved several amendments to the CARA Law, which largely covers international cooperation on the exchange of information in the process of recovering criminal assets. The law is also to be amended to increase the Agency's ability to help identify convicted persons abroad, so that confiscation orders are enforced and the damage is recovered. 

In addition to the recovery component, the NAC has developed its activity program on other dimensions such as corruption prevention, analytics, expertise and anti-corruption education. Thus, the Analytical Directorate of the NAC performed 11 operational analyzes, and 82 analyzes are under development. Of the total number of operational studies, more than half focus on wealth and property analysis. For a week, the Legislation Directorate drew up 20 reports of anti-corruption expertise, issued 7 opinions to the authorities and received 37 materials for expertise. 

1514 materials were registered in the Chancellery of the Center, of which 28 are petitions of the citizens. 50 calls were received at the National Anticorruption Hotline. The Anticorruption Education Directorate of the NAC conducted 6 information and awareness-raising trainings on the risks and consequences of involvement in acts of corruption in 4 public entities, and the Integrity Testing Directorate issued 128 criminal records. 

At the reporting date, there are 3 persons in the NAC Detention Center, other 8 persons, investigated in the NAC cases, were transferred to Penitentiary no. 13.

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