One million euros went to the CARA’s accounts. The money belongs to an extra in the bank fraud files
01.04.2022 1343 Views  

The equivalent of one million euros (approximately 20,000,000 lei) went to the treasury accounts of the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the National Anticorruption Center. The agency transferred the money from the bank accounts, opened in the name of an intermediary, after the anti-corruption prosecutors applied the seizure on the financial means, whose effective beneficiary is one of the main extras of the files with the generic name "bank fraud". According to the CARA, the transfer of seized financial resources to the Agency's accounts aims to ensure their integrity and preserve their value.

The agency also notes that, during the entire period of fraud investigation, together with the prosecutors, it managed to identify dozens of intermediaries and the actual beneficiaries of the goods and to apply seizures worth about 3.4 billion lei. Among the criminal objects, found on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, as well as in foreign jurisdictions, are real estate and luxury cars, aircraft, yachts, share capital, bank accounts, etc.

Currently, over 70 million lei are deposited directly on the CARA accounts. A month ago, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency of the transferred another 32 million lei for the benefit of the state, confiscated following a court decision on the 1.6-million-euro smuggling case, detected by customs officers, at the end of 2020.

We note that criminal assets recovery process is considered completed with the adoption by the court of the confiscation decision. The final step in the process of recovering or selling the confiscated objects is carried out by the bailiff and the State Fiscal Service.


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