Exchange of best practices in the field of recovery of criminal assets. The CARA under the NAC delegation pays a study visit to the Hague
05.04.2022 161 Views  

A delegation made of representatives of the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) under the NAC is currently conducting a study visit to the Hague, the Netherlands, with colleagues from the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the Office for Prevention And Fight Against Money Laundering.

During the visit, topics related to the tracing, freezing, seizure, confiscation and administration of assets, obtained through crime, as well as issues related to the misuse of virtual currencies will be addressed.

Several experts and specialists from the United Nations Interregional Institute on Crime and Justice, as well as counterparts from the Netherlands National Police, will provide thematic seminars, presenting innovative methods in the field of criminal asset recovery. There will also be an exchange of best practices in the fields of surveillance and management of seized assets, as well as in the segment of investigations targeting cryptocurrencies.

The visit is organized by the United Nations Interregional Institute on Crime and Justice in order to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement agencies in the Republic of Moldova in the field of recovery of criminal assets and the fight against corruption. At the same time, new contact points will be established with similar institutions abroad in order to streamline external cooperation in the field of property recovery, resulting from illegal activities.

We remind you that the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency is an autonomous subdivision within the NAC, specialized in conducting parallel financial investigations, seizing criminal assets, evaluating, managing and estimating the value of frozen criminal assets




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