Episode of the "Bank Fraud", sent to court. The CARA of the NAC, seized the assets in the amount of about 15 million lei
06.04.2022 839 Views  

The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office informs that on April 1, 2022, it sent to court an episode from a criminal case, collectively called “Bank Fraud”, in which three persons are accused of committing fraud (Article 190 part (5) of the Criminal Code ) and money laundering (part (3) of article 243 of the Criminal Code), committed on an especially large scale, in the interests of a criminal organization.

Thus, the three persons mentioned above, together with other persons, simulated the conclusion of an investment contract for the reconstruction and restoration of real estate with the Banca de Economii (BEM) and stole about 32 million lei from the money in this way. Thus, the terms of the contract were included in such a way as to put the BEM at an economic disadvantage, and the company that was supposed to carry out the reconstruction and restoration of the property that was to become the new headquarters of the BEM did not even have the necessary permits (permit for construction, etc.) or the capacity required to fulfill the contract.

According to the data and information administered in the criminal case, it was found that the theft took place in the last week of November 2014, and the last tranche of money was stolen, even on the day when the special administration was established at Banca de Economii, respectively the money being laundered during 2015.

Therefore, the money was subsequently laundered, integrated into the legal system of the Republic of Moldova and other countries and used by the members of the criminal organization for personal purposes, as purchasing an aircraft.

It should be noted that out of the stolen amount, the BEM managed to return only about 6 million lei.

The criminal investigation, with the support of the CARA, recovered the damages, by seizing the assets of the accused in the amount of about 15 million lei.

At this stage, three participants in these acts are evading criminal prosecution, and investigative actions have been appointed against them and the arrest warrants were issued in absentia.

We confirm that the investigative actions in the Bank Fraud case are ongoing, the criminal unit is conducting the investigation in other episodes as well.


A person charged with a crime is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty according to law in a final verdict.

Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office

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