The NAC is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Invited officials urged the institution's staff to be more determined in the fight against corruption
06.06.2022 191 Views  

The National Anticorruption Center is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The director of the NAC, Iulian Rusu, as well as invited officials, have congratulated the NAC officers and had messages of support for those who carry out activities to prevent and fight corruption.

In his address to the staff, the director of the NAC mentioned that, in the 20 years of activity of the institution, the Center has manifested itself as an authority capable of managing cases of high corruption as well as systemic corruption. "I discovered at the NAC a united and professional team that can offer society the long-awaited change. The institution has a huge social mandate and an unprecedented openness from partner institutions, state authorities and external partners. We are not alone in this mission, and this privilege must be valued. What we need to do is move forward with courage and determination. Let's focus and persevere in our mission to give people hope that we can live in this country without bribes. "

Present at the ceremony, the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, expressed his confidence that the National Anticorruption Center has all the support, both at the institutional and political levels, to deliver results. "Society wants rapid change in the near future. People expect tangible actions from state institutions that will improve their lives. For this, the NAC must act harshly and incisively, on all dimensions, to discourage any temptation of those who want to use the complicated situation that our country is going through in order to get rich ”.

In his speech, the Minister of Justice, Sergiu Litvinenco, assured that he will support the promotion of those legislative changes in order to eliminate the obstacles that stand in the way of the efficient accomplishment of the tasks incumbent on the NAC. "At the ministry and government level, we will provide all the necessary support to promote the Centre's initiatives, and from the NAC, we expect it to make firm progress in investigating cases of major corruption."

The interim general prosecutor, Dumitru Robu, and the deputy of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, Ion Munteanu, also came with congratulatory messages. The officials mentioned that the NAC, together with the prosecutors, have a responsible and important task, and for its accomplishment they have to work in unison. "To be successful in the fight against corruption, we need a combined effort, mutual support, to act as a whole. Only together, with determination and integrity, will we achieve the expected results ", said the interim general prosecutor. In his speech, the deputy prosecutor of the PA, Ion Munteanu, expressed his appreciation for the devotion and unity of the NAC team. "I want to see you as united and as focused on the common activities we carry out together. Congratulations, dear colleagues ", said Munteanu.

On the occasion of the anniversary, several officers received special distinctions, degrees and mentions in gratitude for the professionalism shown in the exercise of their duties.

We remind, that the Center for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption (CCECC) was founded in 2002. Ten years later, following a major reform, the CCECC becomes the National Anticorruption Center, relinquishing its competence to fight economic crime and strengthening its prevention component and fighting corruption. Among the main attributions of the institution are the performance of operative investigations, criminal prosecution, anti-corruption and judicial expertise, analytical activity, testing and evaluating professional integrity, recovery of assets, but also anti-corruption education. 

Currently, the NAC staff consists of civil servants and officials with special status. The team of the Center has secret staff, which ensures the special investigation activities, but also a subdivision of SWAT, which ensures the good development of the criminal investigation actions and escorts the extras in the NAC and the Prosecutor's Office cases. In addition to the NAC, there is a team of anti-corruption volunteers who, together with the Center's officers, promote integrity policies among young people.


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