Attention, vacancies! The NAC Criminal Assets Recovery Agency is hiring an inspector of the Directorate of Assessment, Management and Estimation of Values
08.06.2022 226 Views  


The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the National Anticorruption Center is hiring an inspector of the Directorate of Assessment, Management and Estimation of Values (DAMEV). The candidate must have higher education in law or economics, or in specific fields of activity. Work experience will be an advantage, but it is not a mandatory condition. Files can be submitted until June 17, 17.00.

The purpose of the vacant position, according to the job description, is to assess, manage and estimate the value of assets, as well as to evaluate the assets of the suspect, accused, defendant, convict and the assets he/she holds as beneficial owner, aimed at recovering criminal assets.

Among the basic tasks of the DAMEV inspector of the CARA are the evaluation of the financial profile of the suspect, accused, defendant, convict; assessment, management and estimating the value of movable and immovable property; making proposals for the elaboration of the instructions and the methodology of activity on the respective field; ensuring the protection and storage of information, which is a state, banking, commercial secret, as well as performing the day service (24/24) within the Center with the operative group and participating in the development of special actions.

To participate in the competition, the person must be a citizen of the Republic of Moldova, know the Romanian language, have full capacity to exercise and have the necessary education, provided for the respective civil service. It is also mandatory that, in the last 5 years, he/she was not dismissed from a public position, according to art. 64 para. (1) lit. a) and b), not to have prior criminal history or interdiction to hold a public office, which derives from an act of findings of the National Integrity Authority.

More details about the contest conditions can be accessed here.


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