The NAC and AP: Searches at a sector of the South Border Police in a case concerning the illegal crossing of the state border and abuse of office
16.06.2022 98 Views  

The officers of the South General Territorial Directorate (South GTD) of the NAC , together with anti-corruption prosecutors, conducted several searches at the headquarters of a Southern Border Police sector. The criminal prosecution actions took place in a case initiated on abuse of office, with the illegal crossing of the state border.

According to the investigation, two police officers from the "South" Regional Directorate of the General Inspectorate of Border Police are suspected of tolerating illegal actions of two men and other persons, not currently identified, manifested by the illegal transport of fish and other goods to and from Ukraine, with the help of a motor boat on Lake Etulia. They allegedly crossed the state border illegally, systematically evading customs control.

The searches were carried out, both at the headquarters of a sector of the Southern Border Police, in which two border guards are targeted, as well as at the homes and cars of two men documented in this case. As a result, several documents and other evidence have been seized, which are to be investigated. The four men were escorted to the NAC for questioning.

At the same time, during the criminal prosecution, anti-corruption prosecutors and officers found seven other people in the border area who did not have an access permit and were not on the Register of Persons with Access Permits in the Border Area. To document this case, the border police crew was requested.

Note: Every person is presumed innocent, until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office is conducting the criminal investigation.

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