A quarter of the money, placed into the treasury accounts of the CARA, represents undeclared cash, detected by the Customs Service
21.06.2022 163 Views  

A quarter of the sums of money, placed into the treasury accounts of the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC, come from smuggling, detected by the Customs Service. Out of 91 million lei, representing the sum of money currently deposited on the CARA’s accounts, 23 million lei refer to financial means undeclared at customs according to all the rigors of the normative acts in force. The data is contained in a balance sheet note of the CARA of the NAC for the period 2021-2022.

According to the note, during the reporting period, the CARA took over the administration of seized funds that were the object of smuggling, detected by the employees of the Customs Service during the controls performed at the entry / exit of individuals. In order to ensure their efficient administration and increase the transparency of the recovery process, the 23 million lei were placed on the treasury accounts of the Agency.

In regard to the smuggling cases, the CARA is also announcing that it applied seizures on goods worth approximately 200 million lei during the reference period. These include share capital, residential and non-residential constructions, means of transportation, agricultural pieces of land, land plots for construction and cash. Three months ago, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency of the NAC informed about the transfer, for the benefit of the state, of 32 million lei, confiscated following a court decision on the case of smuggling of 1.6 million euros, detected by customs officers, at end of year 2020.

It should be noted that the criminal assets recovery procedure consists of several stages, two of which fall within the competence of the CARA. Thus, the recovery process is considered completed once the court adopts the confiscation decision. The final step of the recovery or sale of the confiscated assets is carried out by the Bailiff and the State Fiscal Service.


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