Iulian Rusu, in Brussels: we will make every effort to follow the steps proposed by the European Commission in the Opinion, in particular as regards the investigation of the causes of corruption and the confiscation of illegally obtained assets
21.06.2022 157 Views  

"We will make every effort to take the steps proposed by the European Commission in the Opinion, especially in the area of investigation into the causes of corruption, the confiscation of illegally obtained assets. We will continue to provide anti-corruption expertise for draft regulations in our efforts to prevent further acts of corruption. " The statement belongs to the director of the National Anticorruption Center, Iulian Rusu, and was made in Brussels, during meetings with European officials. 

The director of the NAC expressed his appreciation for the unprecedented openness of colleagues in the EU institutions and the Member States. "We rely on support in investigating the causes of corruption with the involvement of other states, including the exchange of information, investigative tactics and the seizure of assets abroad." In the same context, Iulian Rusu reiterated the historical importance of the European Commission's Opinion on the application of the Republic of Moldova to join the EU and thanked for the support provided by the European Commission during the European course of the Republic of Moldova. 

We mention that, these days, the NAC director participates in the working visit, in Brussels, together with the Minister of Justice Sergiu Litvinenco and the Interim General Prosecutor, Dumitru Robu. Several current issues and issues related to the justice sector and the fight against corruption were discussed during the meetings with Luc Devigne, Deputy Director General of the European External Action Service (EEAS), Olivier Onidi, Deputy Director General of the Department for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), Maciej Popowski, Director-General of the Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) and Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice held on June 20.



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