Goods of about 15 million lei, seized by the CARA in a scam case
04.07.2022 1111 Views  

The Crime Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC announces that it has seized assets worth about 15 million lei based on the prosecutors' delegations, this week. The goods were made unavailable in a criminal case launched on fraud, managed by the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (POCOCSC)Among the unavailable assets are two cars, agricultural lands, residential and non-residential buildings, as well as share capital.

In addition to the criminal assets recovery component, the NAC has carried out its activity on other dimensions as well, as corruption prevention, analytics, expertise and anticorruption education.


· The analytical department completed 8 operational analyzes and started 12 new operational analyzes. Currently, the Directorate has 128 operational and strategic analyzes in the procedure;

· The Anti-Corruption Legislation and Expertise Department received 15 draft normative acts for expertise, 21 expert reports and 9 opinions were submitted to the authors, and 17 are in the process;

· 1220 materials were registered in the Chancellery of the Center;

· 51 calls were received at the National Anticorruption Hotline;

. The Anti-Corruption Education Directorate carried out 16 information and awareness-raising activities on the risks and consequences of involvement in acts of corruption in several public entities. Another 14 sessions are planned for the current week;

· 128 integrity records were issued;

. At this time, no one is being detained in the NAC detention center. In total, 16 people retained by the NAC are being held in several penitentiaries in the country.

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