A bank account of about 5 million lei, seized by the CARA of the NAC, in a case of embezzlement of assets
05.09.2022 826 Views  

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC seized a bank account in the value of about 5 million lei, based on the prosecutors’ delegations, last week. The bank account was frozen in a case of abuse of office and embezzlement of assets. Currently, the CARA has examined 173 delegations, on 121 criminal cases, regarding 278 individuals.

In addition to the asset recovery component, the NAC has also carried out its activity on other dimensions such as corruption prevention, analytics, expertise and anti-corruption education.


·        The Analytical Directorate completed 3 operational analyses; other 113 operational analyses are under procedure;

·        The Legislation and Anticorruption Expertise Directorate received 32 draft normative acts for the expertise, sent to the authors 10 expert reports and 6 opinions, 43 draft normative acts are under examination;

·        904 materials were registered in the Center's Chancellery;

·        34 calls were received at the National Anticorruption Line;

·        The Anticorruption Education Directorate carried out 2 activities to inform and raise awareness on the risks and consequences of the corruption involvement, 5 sessions are planned for the current week;

·        3 persons were placed in the NAC Detention Center last week, other 12 accused are in the Penitentiary 13.


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