Two men were detained by the NAC, after allegedly promising to settle a smuggling case with 15 000 euros
07.09.2022 897 Views  

Two men were detained by the NAC and anti-corruption prosecutors in a case of influence peddling. They allegedly promised a young man that they could intervene with the prosecutors managing a smuggling case to determine them reframe the incriminated crime in a less serious one. To settle the issue, the suspects would have demanded 15 000 euros.

According to the materials of the case, the suspects would have conducted several negotiations with the investigated person for smuggling, asking from him initially 9 000 euros, but later another 6200 euros. The suspects allegedly received two tranches of cash, claiming that they would solve the issue.

On June 30 of the current year, the prosecutors and NAC officers initiated a criminal case for influence peddling, and this morning, they carried out searches at homes of two suspects. Both were detained for 72 hours and placed in the NAC Detention Center.

Currently, the criminal investigation actions are ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the case. Every person is presumed to be innocent until the final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.

The Anticorruption Prosecution Office is conducting the criminal investigation.


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