Over 1,500 people were instructed by the NAC officers in the north, center and south of Moldova
21.10.2022 3044 Views  

The anti-corruption activities aimed at cultivating the integrity climate took place this week with the participation of over 1500 people in 20 training sessions, organized by the NAC officers in the north, center and south of Moldova.

Therefore, 550 public agents and private sector employees from various fields of professional activity were trained, this week, on measures of the institutional integrity, integrity standards in the public sector, the legal regime of conflicts of interest, the legal regime of gifts and whistleblowing, within the three campaigns "Integrity for Health", "Denounce! Your Attitude Matters!” and "Integrity for Qualitative Public Services". In the same way, training activities were provided at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at the Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources, but also at a mobile phone company "Moldcell.

Young people were also active this week. 700 students participated in an activity within the Pro-Integrity Quiz at the College of Medicine in Ungheni, and over 300 high school students from Briceni and Ocnița districts participated in two other Quiz sessions. Also, 24 anti-corruption volunteers of the NAC participated in two trainings, intended to strengthen knowledge in the field of anti-corruption activities that took place in the context of the second stage of the anti-corruption information and awareness raising campaign "A Lesson of Integrity in My School/University”.

We remind you that the purpose of the activities carried out by the NAC personnel within the corruption prevention component is to cultivate and strengthen a climate of institutional integrity by promoting anti-corruption and integrity policies.

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