Director of the NAC, Iulian Rusu, discussed the opportunities for collaboration with the director of the Agency for the Recovery and Management of Seized and Confiscated Assets from France
18.11.2022 191 Views  

The director of the NAC, Iulian Rusu, had, on Thursday, a bilateral meeting with the director of the Agency for the Recovery and Management of Seized and Confiscated Assets (AGRASC), Nicolas Bessone, during which the aspects of collaboration between the French authority and the National Anticorruption Center were discussed. 

"I spoke with Mr. Bessone about the areas we could collaborate with the Agency he leads. We need cooperation in the direction of tracing and recovering assets, which are in French jurisdiction, assets that we have identified in the process of implementing the high corruption files, which are currently in the management of the prosecutors and the NAC. We shared with him our interest, as well as that of the authorities from the Republic of Moldova, to speed up the recovery process of embezzled assets in order to confiscate them for the benefit of the state", said the NAC director. 

For his part, the director of AGRASC expressed his willingness to make available the expertise of his colleagues in the field to the legal institutions of Moldova and to maintain a permanent dialogue in the common sphere of competence. 

We remind, that the director of the National Anticorruption Center is participating in OECD's High-Level Meeting of Anti-Corruption Decision-Makers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which is being held this week in Paris, France. During his stay in the French Republic, Iulian Rusu will have several bilateral meetings with decision-makers of the French authorities. 

The OECD High-Level Meeting of Anti-Corruption Policy-Makers is a regional platform that helps countries promote effective anti-corruption policies, provides opportunities for the exchange of information, best practices and support in obtaining financial assistance.


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