Two employees of the Ciocana Police Inspectorate are under criminal investigation for passive corruption by the NAC and the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office
14.12.2022 245 Views  

Two police officers from the Ciocana Police Inspectorate are under criminal investigation, in a case of passive corruption, after allegedly demanding 600 euros from a wanted person, in order not to detain him. The criminal investigation in this case was started by the NAC and the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office following a whistleblowing submitted on November 19.

According to the accumulated materials, the police officers would have demanded the amount of 600 euros and would have received 400 euros for not escorting the wanted person to the headquarters of the Police Inspectorate. The transfer of money took place on the territory of a car wash in the capital.

Today, the NAC and anti-corruption prosecutors conducted searches in the office of the interim head of the investigation section of PI Ciocana and the senior investigation officer of the Criminal Police Bureau, as well as in the work car of the two. As a result of the criminal investigation, the mobile phones were seized, the policemen being investigated while at large.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is conducting the criminal investigation.

Every person who has been charged shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.

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